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AI的先睹为快 & Chatbot峰会



妮可黑No other technological advancement in 2023 has gripped the professional world with equal fear and fascination than AI and ChatGPT. 9月18日,D.C. 靠谱的滚球平台协会计划将主持人工智能 & Chatbot峰会 to examine how attorneys use AI and open-source tools in their day-to-day practice and the legal and ethical issues involved.

教员专家妮可·布莱克, senior director of subject matter expertise and external education at MyCase, will help lawyers navigate the pros and cons of using this technology with her presentation “AI & 聊天机器人:概述.” Here, Black offers a preview of what she will cover during her session.

谈谈你接下来的演讲. 与会者将从中学到什么?

I’ll be providing an initial overview of [what] artificial intelligence (AI) and generative AI are, 为什么它们很重要, 以及为什么靠谱的滚球平台需要理解他们. I’ll explain how there’s an exponential rate of technological advancement happening right now and why technology competence really requires lawyers to jump on board and learn as much as they can.

Then I will do a little bit more of a deep dive into some of the issues lawyers need to think about when they use this type of technology — [implicit] bias, 职业道德, 关于[客户特权]的问题, 保密. And then I’ll provide at least 10 different ways lawyers can safely use ChatGPT and generative AI, 考虑到目前的技术水平.

ChatGPT has pretty much dominated the news in terms of emerging technology. What other AI-related developments should lawyers have knowledge of?

本质上,这都是生成式AI. 这才是靠谱的滚球平台们真正需要了解的. I’ve been presenting and writing about artificial intelligence for at least five years now and tracking the more traditional artificial intelligence tools. 我将在演讲中介绍这些类别.

但生成式人工智能确实改变了游戏规则. So, it’s not necessarily just ChatGPT but generative AI as a category. I would say the legal technology companies that are coming out with guardrailed generative AI tools within their systems are probably the best way for lawyers to adopt this tech.

Part of what you’re seeing is the broader categories of artificial intelligence that were around before generative AI started getting built into them. So, 它真的正在成为那些更传统的类别的一部分, 包括法律研究, 合同分析, 合同起草, 文件起草, 以及诉讼分析.

What safeguards would you recommend for any lawyer or law firm using a chatbot or ChatGPT to ensure they are getting the most up-to-date and accurate information?

好吧, first we have to determine whether they’re using a consumer generative AI tool like ChatGPT or … [one] built into legal software. 如果他们使用ChatGPT, 谷歌的吟游诗人, 或必应聊天, then they need to think about 保密 and avoid inputting any confidential information, 确保他们的设置是, 如果可能的话, 这样他们的输入就不会被用于培训目的. 但后来, you still run the risk of 保密 issues with those more general consumer-facing tools.

So, 你要避免输入机密信息, and you need to have a basic knowledge of the topics you’re asking about so that you can vet the answers and determine whether they’re accurate. I would suggest avoiding using the general [ChatGPT platforms] for legal research at this point. Use them more for summarizing documents that you provide to them that have been edited or redacted to [remove] confidential information. 给他们要点文档吗, 草稿模板,你可以使用-字母, 电子邮件, or other correspondence — then make them more specific to the case. Those are the ways I suggest using the more general consumer-facing products.

但, if you’re talking about generative AI tools that are based on GPT power tech and are built into legal software, then you can — based upon the assurance that the company gives you about how they’re handling your firm’s data if you’re not comfortable inputting confidential information — proceed, while understanding how they’re guardrailing it in terms of inaccurate results. 他们是在告诉你有时候会有一些吗? 所以,你仍然需要仔细检查工作. 不管你用什么工具, [for] anything that you submit to the court or that you’re relying on for client representation and advice, you always have the obligation to review it for accuracy before submitting it.

You mentioned that generative AI technology has been a game-changer. It has also invoked a lot of fear across multiple professions that this technology will eliminate a lot of knowledge-based jobs. 然而,其他人认为新的职业可能会出现. 你对法律职业有什么看法?

我认为这两种评价都是正确的. 就像其他技术一样, 工作将会被取代, 或者部分工作将被取代, 这取决于你谈论的功能. 但其他类型的软件也已经出现了这种情况. I think it’s going to happen more quickly and on a slightly broader scale with generative AI software.

但 I also think that it’s going to create more jobs in terms of harnessing the technology, 理解它, 并在这方面教育靠谱的滚球平台. It’s going to change what the base level of work the people do in law firms looks like.

And, ultimately, it’s going to affect the billable hours, which everyone’s always predicted. It’s going to encourage lawyers to approach pricing [differently by] looking at how much time it takes to create documents, 靠谱的滚球平台需要多少时间与他们的支持人员互动, 以及完成这项工作实际需要多长时间.

这将会很有趣,而且很难预测. 但, 在一天结束的时候, we’ll absolutely get rid of a lot of the mundane work by streamlining [many] tasks. It’s going to change a lot of what the legal field looks like, but not necessarily for the worse. 我们将会看到.

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